This baby was born neither on the right nor the wrong side of the tracks.
33-year-old Bhuri Kalbi was recently a passenger on a train in India. While the train was moving, she went to use the toilet, but ended up giving birth prematurely.
Soon thereafter, the mother fainted and her premature baby girl fell through the toilet.
Since the toilets on Indian trains drop waste directly onto the ground below, the baby ended up violently tossed onto the tracks ... while the train was still moving.
When Bhuri's relatives finally found Bhuri unconscious in the bathroom and figured out what happened, they alerted railway officials that a baby had been dumped onto the tracks.
The premature baby -- with the umbilical cord next to her -- had been abandoned on the railroad tracks for almost two hours in the middle of the night before authorities found her.
Miraculously, it appears the baby -- who turned blue from the cold -- is going to live.
Aside from Jesus Christ being born from the Virgin Mary, is there any story of birth more amazing than this?