What's my name?
A few weeks ago, I posted a contest asking readers to unearth some choice names by combing through a database of actual names for children born in Georgia during the past 18 years.
I guaranteed that I would choose the best name and bestow it upon either a future child of mine or the name of my current cell phone.
I narrowed down the 100+ gems contributed by you all to the following 22 names:
- Aquemini
- Assonia
- Craymonyea
- Daquantics
- Deathony
- Fartreze D'Angelic
- Excedreanna
- Extrasweet
- Fartoon
- Hhannerrikka
- Kittisack
- Lebardrick
- Mountasia
- No'Torious
- Penisha
- Porntip
- Peachtreanna (my find)
- Ramboy
- Ramen
- Shiteria
- Smoothtavious
- Urhieness
I really enjoy Urhieness, which is an actual Georgian boy's name. While it should be pronounced "Your Highness," it could also be mispronounced "Urine-ness," "Uranus," or "You're Heinous." There's just no downside!
Craymonyea has the benefit of sounding like a hybrid of Crayon and Pokemon, while still being an easy name for Jamaicans to pronounce.
Fartreze D'Angelic has a nice breezy, yet classy sound to it.
I like Extrasweet, No'Torious, and Smoothtavious, but I'm worried about names that are potential ways to describe people. (Most people I know named Chastity, Joy, and Melody are, respectively, promiscuous, depressing, and unlistenable.)
I am also tempted by Kittisack because it would be a nice tribute to the memory of my cat's neutered gonads.
But alas, I've chosen ... (drum roll please) ... Ramen. (Thanks, David!)
Given that any future son of mine will be half-Japanese and half-Lebanese, Ramen is the perfect name because it sounds like an Arab name -- especially if pronounced Rah'men or Ra'-meen -- even though it's actually a Japanese delicacy.
I talked the matter over with my wife.
She wholeheartedly supports the choice of Ramen as the name of my iPhone.
(Credit goes to Hank Fong for discovering that wonderful Korean baby portrait.)
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