Whoomp, there it is.
NY Times columnist and septuagenarian William Safire of the NY Times (not pictured above) has discovered phrases like "shawty," "aiiight!," and "all up in your grill" to unintentionally hilarious effect.
For those familiar with these phrases, his column will be amusing. For those still trying to work in "bling bling" to your water cooler conversations, his column will be educational.
Elsewhere on the Interweb:
- Ballsiest Move Ever: This is an amazing story. Three Mexican boys were arrested and handcuffed by a U.S. Border Patrol agent who put them in his patrol car and searched their truck for drugs. While the agent was inspecting their truck, the three boys, while still handcuffed, stole the Border Patrol car, drove it into Mexico, and successfully evaded arrest. Amazing. I'm putting in a bid for the movie rights.
- Iranian bloggers on Ahmadinejad's visit to Columbia University Of course, none of the bloggers are gay because these bloggers are from Iran.
- Rocawear Arena? Hey, it beats Baby Phat Stadium.
- Older Siblings Have Higher IQs. As an oldest sibling, I'd love to believe this is true. Problem: George W. Bush is the oldest of six children.
- Is Low, Ball & Lynch a real law firm name? Yes, it is.
- Mexican Cheese Belts have been recalled. Thankfully, the contamination did not spread to Korean Kimchi Suspenders.