Not as important as a small town mayor
America's Mayor and Wasilla's Mayor reached new lows when they used their primetime speeches last night to heartily mock community organizers.
In no uncertain terms, they told Dr. King, A. Philip Randolph, Dolores Huerta, Cesar Chavez, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, and countless other social workers, labor activists, religious leaders (on all ends of the political spectrum), and champions for the underprivileged that their work was meaningless and worthless.
So much for helping voters forget that John McCain voted against a holiday honoring MLK.
As if grassroots organizing was not already the key to Obama's success, Sarah Palin just stoked the fires of the wrong base.
I hear another hurricane coming.
Labels: 2008 presidential election, Rudy Giuliani, Sarah Palin
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