thanks stanfurd!
I've always felt that as storied as the rivalry between Cal and Stanford is, at the end of the day, both teams really loathe USC as well. So in the case where an unranked Stanford team, which has been getting blown out this season, can walk into the Coliseum and beat USC...well, that's just a good day to celebrate to victories of your enemies since, in this case, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. At least, until the Big Game.
Imagining the stunned stupor that Trojans fans are experiencing right now is even better than reading how the Yankees lost because of bugs. And just to add some icing...UCLA lost to a previously 0-5 Notre Dame team.
Of course, all this also means that Cal will be #2 by tomorrow (and had Florida pulled it out, Cal would have been #1 by default...CRAZY). And let's just talk about that. I've lived through some really phenomenal Cal seasons, including 1990 and especially 1991, not to mention witnessing last year. But never, ever would I think we'd have a legit shot at the national championship. Hell, I'd give up my daughter (not really) to see us just make the Rose Bowl for once in my lifetime. What's next? The Boston Red Sox winning a World Series? (Oh wait, that happened already...guess Cal does have a shot. Pity the Cubs though).
Now let's just hope Cal isn't next for the upset train.
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