Pat Buchanan prepares for Cinco de Mayo
I would find this latest column by Pat Buchanan hilarious if not for the fact that he is employed as a commentator on MSNBC and PBS, regularly pops up on Fox News and CNN, and is a syndicated columnist whose work appears in newspapers and web sites across the country:
Almost no attention has been paid to the fact that Cho Seung-Hui was not an American at all, but an immigrant, an alien. Had this deranged young man who secretly hated us never come here, 32 people would heading home from Blacksburg for summer vacation.
What was Cho doing here? How did he get in?
Cho was among the 864,000 Koreans here as a result of the Immigration Act of 1965, which threw the nation's doors open to the greatest invasion in history, an invasion opposed by a majority of our people. Thirty-six million, almost all from countries whose peoples have never fully assimilated in any Western country, now live in our midst.
Cho was one of them.
In stories about him, we learn he had no friends, rarely spoke, and was a loner, isolated from classmates and roommates. Cho was the alien in Hokie Nation. And to vent his rage at those with whom he could not communicate, he decided to kill in cold blood dozens of us.
What happened in Blacksburg cannot be divorced from what's been happening to America since the immigration act brought tens of millions of strangers to these shores, even as the old bonds of national community began to disintegrate and dissolve in the social revolutions of the 1960s. ...
Since the 1960s, we have become alienated from one another even as millions of strangers arrive every year. And as Americans no longer share the old ties of history, heritage, faith, language, tradition, culture, music, myth or morality, how can immigrants share those ties?
Many immigrants do not assimilate. Many do not wish to. They seek community in their separate subdivisions of our multicultural, multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual mammoth mall of a nation. And in numbers higher than our native born, some are going berserk here.
He also lists other crimes committed by immigrants of color, but, of course, conveniently leaves out the heinous ones committed by white immigrants or white American citizens.
The worst part of the column, however, is when he points readers to VDARE.com, which has been labeled a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
This is nothing new for Pat, who has been promoting xenophobia for decades. I just figured that once he blatantly started championing white nationalism and referring to the U.S. as a "European Country," the mainstream media would have ignored him.
I'm thinking Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan have an ongoing bet on which Pat can say the most outrageous thing and still be given a national platform.
Labels: immigrants, Pat Buchanan
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