"you better get this right"
1. What neighborhood does The Wire take place in?
West Baltimore.
2. Name the television mini-series that preceded The Wire and was a main inspiration behind the show.
The Corner.
3. That earlier TV show was based on a book. Name the family that book focuses on (surname)?
The McCulloughs
4. What comes next in this sequence? Payson St., Monroe St., Fulton Ave., Bruce St. __________?
Mount St.
5. Explain why even an empty house is a promising prospect for thieves?
Copper piping and other metal can be sold for scrap. (Many guessed that it could be used for a stash house but I said "thieves" and not "dealers" specifically for that reason).
6. Who wrote the show's opening song and who performs it during Season 1?
Tom Waits and the Blind Boys of Alabama.
7. Who says, "The King Stays the King" and what does that phrase mean?
D'Angelo, while explaining the rules of chess.
8. Who is Steve Earle and name the two ways he "appears" in The Wire (hint, I am not necessarily asking for acting appearances)?
He's a singer who has appeared in the show as an actor and his song, "I'm Alright" has also appeared on the show.
9. What does Wallace pack for his brothers and sisters for lunch?
Juice boxes and potato chips. One person even knew the brand of chips as Utz. Gangsta.
10. Name McNulty's ex-wife's and kids' names.
Elena, Sean and Michael.
11. What do both Frank Sobotka and Major Valchek try to donate to the local church?
Stained glass windows.
12. Who does Ziggy shoot and why?
Ziggy shot George Glekas (aka Double G) after he stiffed Ziggy on a stolen car caper. But most people forgot that Ziggy also shot Glekas' assistant.
13. What is the significance of the number 221?
This was D'Angelo's address in Franklin Towers and was put on the wreath that one of his former peers bought for him after his death.
14. After being rebuffed by his ex-wife and getting drunk, who does McNulty sleep with?
Diner waitress.
15. What magazine does Brother Mouzone chide his assistant for not being able to find?
Season 3
16. The Season opens with Franklin Towers being razed: what real life event(s) inspired this scene?
Two acceptable answers here: 1) 9/11 and 2) the razing of a series of Baltimore housing projects including Lexington Terrace, Murphy Homes, Lafayette Courts and Flag House.
17. Where does Omar's grandmother think he works?
The airport.
18. Fill in this quote: "You need _____________________, not some rough n' tumble n**** like Slim."
"some Day of the Jackal MFer"
19. How much money does Cutty ask for from Avon to help out his boxing gym? How much is he given?
$10,000, gets $15,000.
20. What kind of gun does Brother Mouzone favor?
Walter PPK, 380. Double action. Aka "a nice show piece." Unknown if he "keeps one in the chamber, just in case you're wondering."
21. What is the penalty for falling asleep around police HQ?
Your tie gets cut.
22. Who is The Wire's musical supervisor?
Blake Leyh.
23. What is always within 20 blocks of any street in Baltimore?
No one got this. The answer is: water.
CORRECTION24. Names of those characcters who have held the rank of "major" within the show across the first three seasons.
I threw this one out because I had worded it incorrectly and therefore, had two different sets of answers. I meant to ask who were ALL the people who held the rank of "major" within the first three seasons.
25. What is Idris Elba's DJ name?
DJ Big Driis the Londoner.
First Place = Noz. From what I hear, he's only been watching the show since last week yet he and one other person got all but one question correct and he was first in with them.
1st Runner-Up = Jeff W. He and Noz both had all but one question answered correctly.
2nd Runner-Up = Jon L. All but two questions correct.
3rd Runner-Up = Henry F. All but three questions correct.
Thanks for playing! And enjoy the season!
And I forgot to mention: there's a spoken word contest for the show as well.
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