Septuagenarians Gone Wild!
Yesterday was one of the O.C.'s -- my home county's -- yearly highlights: the annual Mooning of Amtrak event that takes place every July at the Mugs Away Saloon in Laguna Niguel. Although it's not organized in any formal way, an amazing 5000 people turned out to order the Moons Over My Amtrak.
This event isn't just for young pranksters of the Laguna Beach reality show generation. As you can see from the photo of 72-year-old Carol Wichenheisser above, the event attracts people from all, um, ends of the human spectrum.
The idea is pretty simple. For an entire day, a diverse squadron of mild exhibitionists line up along a fence outside the saloon and flash the Amtrak trains that go by. That's it.
It's become such a popular local ritual that sometimes people ride the trains in order to reciprocate the gluteal nudity. In fact, if you wanted a seat on any of yesterday's trains, you had to buy tickets a long time ago -- they've been sold out for many moons.
I've even seen a picture of the rear of a man who was driving one of the Amtrak trains. Not only did he put the loco in locomotive, he effectively provided future plaintiffs their Exhibit A in any lawsuit against Amtrak for negligence, vehicular manslaughter, or all-around craptacularness.
This illuminating ritual started back in July 1979 when a drunkard named K.C. Smith offered free drinks to anyone in the bar who would moon the next train to pass the saloon. This became an annual tradition and Mugs Away just celebrated its 27th anniversary of inebriated arse-airing.
Bottoms up!
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