boo boo
I admit, I'm biting this off of Hua's blog where he'll quote short snippets of conversations both had or overheard.
#1: Alhambra Park playground, several moms gathered around, comparing notes on children's ages and developmental milestones (this is all parents really have to talk about, seriously). Mostly white moms except for this one Asian mom (who I thought was Pinay based on heraccent but she turned out to be Indonesian), sporting an unfortunate t-shirt that read:
Craig's Wife
Mark's Mom
She turns to the gathered gaggle and asks, "so, did anyone see the Gonzaga-UCLA game last night?"
#2: Random conversation with friend.
Friend: Moving/packing and looking behind shelves, things shaking
loose, etc. It's taught me something.
Me: Yeah?
F: All those times in my life when I'm like, "I don't have any condoms!" I actually do, I'm just not looking hard enough.
M: Dude, that has to be one of the strangest analogies I've heard you make.
F: It's not an analogy, I'm being literal.
M: Uh, so you're finding random condoms?
M: No, no, I assumed as much.
F: Yeah, I moved around all my dictionaries and literary reference books and I'm like, "Why would there be a stash here?"
M: Freud would have a field day.
F: Yeah man.
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