The Crusades, Part II
As if we needed any more evidence that the Bush Administration's attempt to blame Newsweek was ridiculous, check out the following links to the US Department of Defense's Marine Corps own website, which features a picture of a US tank in Iraq dubbed the "New Testament" - with the name of the tank written across its barrel:
Given the Bush Administration's attempt to avoid terms like "crusade" again and not fuel anti-American sentiment around the world, how did this piece of Islamophobia get past military censors?
Credit: AMERICAblog
Anakin Bush
The tyrrany of the majority was inevitable in 2002 when the Republicans gained control of everything in D.C.: the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court.
But the GOP's bravado reached new heights when Senate Majority leader Bill Frist attempted the "nuclear option" in 24 hours, which would have eliminiated the right of the minority party to filibuster judicial nominees to the court of appeals and the Supreme Court.
For now, a few moderate Republican Senators and centrist Democrats reached a disappointing compromise that averts the crisis. (It's disappointing because some horrendous judges will get confirmed for life-long seats on the federal bench.)
But Sen. Frist has threatened to bring back the nuclear option, and quite frankly, I'm still nervous.
This showdown over a parliamentary procedure rule seems insipid and banausic until your uterus gets hijacked by reactionary appellate judges with lifetime tenure.
Simply put: if Democrats don't have the filibuster option, Bush can put anybody on the Supreme Court, so long as he has the support of his party.
P.S. To help remind us of what's at stake, the Supreme Court has accepted its first abortion case in five years.
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