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Junichi and I rap about the end of Lost (he liked it…me, kind of ambivalent). We also discuss whether you can have a constructive conversation about race in American politics without the “R” word being thrown around.

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  1. Cai says:

    Buffoonery like this doesn’t help foster a constructive conversation either


  2. Dan in Euroland says:

    Junichi and Oliver,

    I don;t know if you guys read your comments, but I figured I would point you both to a debate going on concerning Rand Paul’s comments and Title II of the Civil Rights Act. I make this comment because from your discussion it sounded like you guys were interested in the subject. Note that the debate is between libertarian professors on opposing sides. See here.

    1. Kaydi says:

      A piece of erudition unilke any other!

      1. Christiana says:

        Nop nop! Meame si on aime le genre, e7a fait 8€ mal de9pense9 alors par curiosite9, quel ge2chis! Oui le desisn est sympa mais c’est tout. C’est meame souvent tre8s brouillon. Faut pas se fier e0 la couverture (qui pourtant donne le ton je trouve).Et surtout, meame si il y pas mal d’ide9es sympas, l’histoire est en fait assez banale et tout se passe bien trop vite et trop facilement’ (pas e9tonnant vu qu’il n’y a qu’un tome). Comment souvent, les bouquins plein de promesses avant leur sortie sont he9las les moins re9ussis.

      2. An intelligent answer – no BS – which makes a pleasant change

      3. A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.

  3. Holland says:

    That’s the best asenwr by far! Thanks for contributing.

  4. Wael says:

    Whilst he impressed in Bolton, in all other aprepaances he has been woeful, very lightweight and no-where near up to the pace of the Prem. Of course he was bought for the Asian market. The guy goes to the Army in 18months! Why would anyone buy him knowing that if they didnt know they would still mnake a fat profit.It is imperative we buy a striker in January of real quality because Park cannot cut it. Would chose Bendtner every time over him & Chamakh every time.

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