Can you spot the differences? Me neither.
In Scotland, a judge cleared Hui Yu, a student from Beijing, of a minor traffic offense, after Yu claimed he was not the person officers identified as driving without insurance papers.
The judge sided with Yu, stating "Without wanting to be derogatory in any way, sometimes it is said that all black people look the same at first glance, and the same can be said that all Chinese people can look the same to a native Scot."
Janice Dickson, chairwoman of the Scotland-China Association, agrees with the judge's observations. But she also claims that the Chinese all think that Scots look alike.
I suppose the lesson here is that there are some upsides to people thinking that you and your ethnic brethren look the same. At the very least, if I ever decide to start a life in crime, I know where to go.
Hey Fat Bastard, it wasn't me!
Credit: AngryAsianMan
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