Poor Diana, we hardly knew ye. Since Project Runway is Sharon's favorite show since, well, ever, I've been watching religiously too. As S says, "fashion people make for great television," and even though I can't tell Moshino from Mossimo, any reality show where competitors have to demonstrate actual talent is a plus. Besides, fashionistas are so delightfully bitchy to one another; they're more fun than their designs sometimes.
Anyways, Diana Eng was doing ok but alas, she and her partner came up with the drabbest of drag designs in this week's episode and both got booted. Still, thanks to EW Popwatch's coverage, I discovered her little "Fashion Nerd" buttons (pictured up top) as well as her blog. I have to say, it's a little ironic that for a designer, Eng's blog could use a serious overhaul. It's not as bad or ugly as the average myspace or xanga site but it could stand to be less cluttered.
This is not important however. What is more notable is that she has some entries which are basically awesome. This one is from 2003, when I think Eng must have been like...19 or so.
- "I was just dancing around like everyone else, when the DJ on the microphone said something like "there are some really hot girls dancing out there tonight, especially that asian connection in the corner." I looked around to see who he was talking about and discovered that the only asian person there was me. Gee, being a minority is so swanky cool. Anyways, mr. politically correct DJ kept talking to me on the mic, then followed me out when I left the club.
I've decided that being asain is like having really big breasts. It attracts guys, but for all the wrong reasons. Being asain with really big breasts must suck.
- "I spent last month dating Mr. OCD. While he was an immediate winner because of his sexy glasses, I was also keen on him because he has medically diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder. Visiting his apartment is all sorts of awesome, because everything is lined up and evenly spaced. Even the dirty forks and spoons in his sink are rinsed off and in a nice neat row. It's the designer's dream, like real life minimalism. I conducted little experiments all the time, by moving things in his house ever so slightly to see if he moved them back. I don't think he enjoyed that much, and we broke up. So the moral of the story is, even if it's for scientific reasons, I probably shouldn't do mini-experiments on people I am dating."

(You have to see the episode where she was drunk. Again, just a lil' bit awesome).
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